Thursday, July 2, 2015

Bag of Holding Con Edition Review

     I received this as a gift from my mother and I thought I would write a review on it.  I actually got to use it for the first time at a local con called Metrocon near where I live.

     I will start with the front.  There are 2 Velcro stickers that can be pulled off and moved around on the front of the bag.

     There are also two pockets on the sides of the bag.  One can be used to hold a water bottle and the other one can be used for another water bottle or poster.

The first zipped section open really wide.  There is a section with clear plastic that a tablet can be stored in and still be able to be used.  There are also small pockets for pens or pencils.  There is also a bigger pocket for cosmetics and charger for a phone and tablet.

The bigger zipped area is where you can keep books and what I used it for was a change of clothes from the cosplay I was wearing one day at the convention I was at.

This is a great bag to have for the convention goer.  It has enough room for everything you need to take the things you need for the convention that you are at.  I would recommend this to anyone that is needing to know what kind of bag would be good for a convention.

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